Green Mix
Low on feed?
After winter wheat harvest, plant a fall seeding of Forage Plus and Arvika Peas (Green Mix) which provides added tonnage and greater density of feed when compared to Brown Midrib (BMR) Sorghum
- Green Mix is a Forage Plus oats and Arvika pea mix, which is ideal for heifer and dry cow feed.
- During the early stages of development, Green Mix grows slow which “allows the alfalfa to get a good start before Green Mix begins competing with the alfalfa.”
- Green mix is a late-maturing oat & pea mix, reaching forage cutting stage 5-7 days later than typical oat & pea mixes.
- Forage Plus is a high yielding forage oat developed at the University of Wisconsin-Madison.
- Forage Plus has very high dry matter yield, acceptable forage quality and relatively low crude protein percentage.
- Forage Plus has excellent crown rust resistance. The recommended time to cut is at the late boot stage when the head can be felt in the stem of the oats. Cutting can be done up to a week prior to heading, with a reduced, but still competitive, dry matter yield.
- Arvika is a fairly new pea variety. Arvika, a proprietary pea variety, is a forage type pea that’s going to set a new standard in forage peas.
- Arvika is a North Dakota pea variety which is a late-maturing, high yielding pea variety; a perfect match for Forage Plus oats.
KF Planting Tips
- Early planting in key
- Forage Plus grows slowly at first allowing alfalfa to grow
- Shortly before harvest forage plus shoots up for increase tonnage.
Green Mix | Alfalfa | |
Depth | 1.5 inches | 1/4 inch |
Rate | 100 lbs / ac | 15-18 lbs / ac |
Check out the photos below of our Green Mix Blend harvest!
Please click here to check out our Featured Story in the American Dairymen
Planting Tips
- Early planting in key
- Forage Plus grows slowly at first allowing alfalfa to grow
- Shortly before harvest forage plus shoots up for increase tonnage.
Green Mix | Alfalfa | |
Depth | 1.5 inches | 1/4 inch |
Rate | 100 lbs / ac | 15-18 lbs / ac |