Seed treatments such as fungicides and insecticides, are applied to protect the seed from seedling plant diseases and insects. As the traits of transgenic seed varieties and hybrids becomes more expensive, it is critical to protect that investment with the appropriate seed treatments. Some seed treatments also provide nutrition with value. Customers are offered a variety of seed treatment options. Seed can be treated and repackaged in the original packaging. Treatments are available for soybeans, wheat, peas, and corn.
Wheat Treatment

Soybean Treatment
RACEREADY™ F+I seed treatment from Meristem Crop Performance™ gives your soybeans unsurpassed protection against harmful early-season disease and insects. With a best-in-class fungicide and insecticide package, combined with a polymer proven to reduce dust-off and improve plantability, RACEREADY™ F+I delivers a winning performance at a value that just makes sense.
Avipel Corn Treatment
Avipel* is a product designed to protect newly planted seed from birds. The active ingredient is a naturally occurring substance that has been shown to repel birds. Avipel comes in both corn and rice formulations; however, product labels and availability vary by state, so check your state’s page for specific product status. Planting corn seed treated with Avipel has proved highly effective in preventing a variety of birds from ravaging newly planted fields. It’s been used since 2006 in Wisconsin, Minnesota and Michigan under EPA Section 18 emergency labels and since 2009 in Texas.
Effective against
Blackbirds, Cow Birds, Crows, Grackles, Pheasants, Sandhill Cranes, Starlings
The Humane Way to Keep Birds from Destroying Your Crop
The active ingredient in Avipel is anthraquinone, an organic chemical that occurs naturally in at least 94 known plant species. When birds eat seeds coated with Avipel, they experience an unpleasant, but harmless, gut reaction which they associate with the location. Birds quickly learn to avoid treated seeds and forage for other seeds and insects instead. Studies done by the International Crane Foundation, USDA and others have shown efficient protection of planted corn seed.
Test Fields Demonstrate the Avipel Advantage

Click here for more information on Avipel